05 Pages : 34-40      10.31703/gpessr.2024(VII-II).05      Published : Jun 2024

The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement

    Sports provide a space for recreation and emotional growth, where mental well-being, life satis-faction, and aggression often intersect. Mental well-being fosters resilience, while life satisfaction reflects overall contentment. Objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between aggression and mental well-being and predictive relationship of mental well-being with life satisfaction. Sample comprised of 300 males, 21 to 34 years old, recruited through conven-ient sampling technique from Sindh, Pakistan. Data was collected using DIQ, BPAQ, SWLS and WEMWBS. Findings show life satisfaction was significantly predicted by mental well-being (r2 = .10, F = 32.94, p <. 05), emotional intelligence (R2 = .37, F = 129.16, p < .05), and negative relationship between aggression and life satisfactory (r = -.113, p = <. 05). The study encourages the integration of targeted interventions that can help reduce aggression and enhance positive mental states, ultimately contributing to healthier, more satisfied communities.

    Mental Well-being, Aggression, Life Satisfaction, Informal Sports Engagement
    (1) Sheeraz Ilyas Shaikh
    Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Saifullah Pathan
    Neuropsychology, Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation LUMHS, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Ibarat Ali Laghari
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    APA : Shaikh, S. I., Pathan, S., & Laghari, I. A. (2024). The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII(II), 34-40.
    CHICAGO : Shaikh, Sheeraz Ilyas, Saifullah Pathan, and Ibarat Ali Laghari. 2024. "The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII (II): 34-40 doi: 10.31703/gpessr.2024(VII-II).05
    HARVARD : SHAIKH, S. I., PATHAN, S. & LAGHARI, I. A. 2024. The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII, 34-40.
    MHRA : Shaikh, Sheeraz Ilyas, Saifullah Pathan, and Ibarat Ali Laghari. 2024. "The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII: 34-40
    MLA : Shaikh, Sheeraz Ilyas, Saifullah Pathan, and Ibarat Ali Laghari. "The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII.II (2024): 34-40 Print.
    OXFORD : Shaikh, Sheeraz Ilyas, Pathan, Saifullah, and Laghari, Ibarat Ali (2024), "The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement", Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, VII (II), 34-40
    TURABIAN : Shaikh, Sheeraz Ilyas, Saifullah Pathan, and Ibarat Ali Laghari. "The Correlation of Mental Well-being, Aggression, and Life Satisfaction among Individuals with Informal Sport Engagement." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review VII, no. II (2024): 34-40.