SPORTS TRANSCEND MULTICULTURALISM NEGATE RACISM      10.31703/gpessr.2018(I-I).03      Published : Dec 2018
Authored by : Ashiq Muhammad , Salah Ud Din Khan , Safdar luqman

03 Pages : 13-19


    The study inspects sports performance as a tool of living together inside any community despite of variation in their sects, castes, cultures, religion and races.  The study aimed to check the role of sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism. The population was stakeholders of the same community possessed above variations. Stratified sample was as a sample technique. The study was furnished through Questionnaire with five point Likert scale having objectives regarding role of sports in multiculturalism and negation of racism. Descriptive research approach with cross-sectional design was used for the current study. The study showed significant role of sports in maintaining cross-culture relation, living happily with no notion of racism.

    Key Words:

    Sports, Multiculturalism, Racism, Play, Society & culture Multicultural Society


    Sports are voluntarily playful activity which needs power and rigorous exertion and end at enjoyment or external reward” (Coakley, 2007). Sports have remarkable role in development of multiculturalism and negation of racial diversities which evolve disparities, enmities and frustrations. “Multiculturalism is the living of people of varied castes and cultures despites of differences and they struggle for accumulation of collective goals of the community” (Banks, 1999).The study Pimentel, (2006) suggests that various public schools have great role in the understanding and practices regarding multicultural approach. The have idea that the multicultural approach practices should be learnt in early childhood, sports can do it in a precise manner. According to Davidman&Davidman, (1997) it is necessary for a teacher to promote & implement his skills and values and should pay their role in in early childhood education to pupils because when students will once get aware of the similarities and differences of societies they will feel themselves in multicultural environment their selves. They further added that sports do all these in short time and with no complications. 

    The study of Banks (1999); Banks (1997) & Nieto (2000) the main purpose of multicultural approach is to transform the structures and nomenclatures of the societies, where people of different ethnicities will have equal opportunities, can change the curricula of living in any society. Banks further stated that constituents of multicultural approach relaxed assimilation, the information creation developments, partiality lessening, justice education, and allowing public philosophy. Seemingly, all the components are interconnected and need special consideration. The sports and sports arenas reflect the true picture of attainment above mentioned components and can relax the exaggerations.  

    According to research of Cardenas (2012) there are different thoughts about the role of sports and games and its impacts on society. Most of the people consider the sports as physical activity while some for competition, pride and dignity. But factually does gathering of people.  The study of Orwell (1945) sports offer competition, where win or lose is predetermined and it as like stuff of hatred and pride but at the major end it entertains the spectators and clearly maintains peace among societies, stabilize friendship and promote the cross cultural relationship among societies of the world along beliefs of multicultural approach. The study of Woodhouse (2009) state that, A well-known “Christmas Truce of 1914” is the best example of it, when the “German and English Troops” forget their enmities of World War-I by playing game of football and sending of presents to one another. The Olympics are the best example of developing the cross cultural, inter cultural relationships and peace among different hatred nations. 

    The study of Maguire and Falcous (2011) and Stura (2011) remarks that due to sports the world looks like a global village, where traditions are shared by migration of skilled and learnt people. His examples that look at the different leagues where players are hired from different countries for the honor and glory of sports and cross culture relations are made. The media should play his role in optimizing this glory and should negate all the pessimisms in the way of sports role of relation buildings (Eichler 2011 &Winter 2011).  The domain of sport is closely allied to culture, politics, economy, and civilization (Hofstede 2001), impacts understandings and activities in community (Cox, Lobel, and McLeod 1991).

    The study of Hums and MacLean (2009) has of the view that sports play dominant role in bringing the people together for collective interests. According to him the functional theorist’s sports are free of racism and ethnicities. The differences of racism are deceased and notion of oneness is obtained from play of sports. The jealousy, hatreds are removed and peace is developed (Fordham 1988). In the era of 1950 a bill of multiculturalism was passed by the Canada government with name “The Canadian Bill of Right” in this policy it was clearly stated that there will be no discrimination of race at any instant and different cultures were stressed to support this bill. In the glory of this bill it was openly stated a one thing which can greatly develop multiculturalism and can negate the racial diversities is sports and sports arenas (Salins, 1997& Sowell, 1997).

    The study of Keogh (2002) stated that in 1995 the Australian foot league has passed the resolution meant to cope with ethnic and racial or religious discriminations in sports. The survey of Department of Culture Media and Sport (2000) stated possibly sports is operative mean of mixing the people, we all should be thankful to sports that after involvement all become equal and the partialities of racism, culture and ethnicity are removed and link the different cultures by which the life of community can easily be maintained.

    Objectives of the Study

    The study was done to ensure the role of sports in transcending multiculturalism in today’s hectic scenario as according to the study of Bull, Fruehling&Chattergy (1992) in many schools of United States multicultural education is given to teacher, administrators, students and people only for the promotion of cross cultural understanding among them. But as initial stages this process is not taken its roots completely. The author further added that sports and physical activities are the best source to extend this intercultural relation simultaneously. 

    According to research of Jarvi (2006) number of discriminatory philosophies is developed by racism or racial diversities in society.  Sports and sports organizations are working reduce racism and gather people of varied cultures and societies. The African National Congress slogan, ‘you cannot have normal sport in an abnormal society’, exactly referred to the way in which the politics of distinction reduced against the probability of multi-racial or anti-racial sport in South Africa.

    Objectives of the Study

    To inculcate the role of sports in development of multiculturalism

    To signify the sports role in minimizing the racial diversities

    Literature Review

    The study of Jessor, (1992) stated that sports have potential to increase the knowledge of participants and people. The sports have epistemological ways of explanation the differences like race, gender and territory only for increase the learning domain. The sports evoke knowledge about social problems in culture and society which help to understand the world of sports.  According to author sports taking part in sports programs helps the individual to learn personal experiences in society.

    According to study of Jassawalla and Sashittal, (1998) narrated that sports and physical activities has great relationship in academic and learning. Sports participation brings the people from negative influences towards positive approaches of learning. Sports utilize the extra energy for becoming physically active to have focus academics. Sports refresh the people and release the mental frustrations. Sports increase the intelligence level, mental fitness in academic and learning.The research of Jarvie, 2006) suggested that the role of sports in knowledge and learning is not vogue. Student in athletic participation showed better results than non-participants. Sports have greater level of intelligence, learning achievements than those who participate less. 

    The study of Jackson, (2001) revealed that the institutions who offer sports and fitness arenas to their student are successful in comparison to schools who don’t offer such programs. The study of Evers, (2010) suggested that sports minimize the risk of injuries and can protect the person from diseases because active participation makes the resistive system powerful. Such students can concentrate upon their studies willfully and generously. Since ancient times sports were used for academic achievements, healthy life, financial affluence, reduction of crimes and for autonomous attributions. The social approach of sports acts as a glow for linking the people which is not possible in the self-interests approaches. Sports is best tool of inter linkages and for bond among revengeful nations.

    The study of Eldridge, (1983) argues that casual friendliness and relations among varied races brings social communication among assorted people. Sports for development of peace are a recognized tool in the deprived areas of the both developed and developing states. Like football game acts as a reagent for the social inter linkage as well as for the financial development. Sports and physical education policy is for social inclusion, to develop peace with freedom. The UN in 2005 has declared the year of sports and physical education, which works to zenith the peace, similarly the FIFA (the federation international de football association) has agreed upon the treaty with NGO street football world for using the football and sports for peace and societal expansion.

    The study of Giullianotti and Amstrong (2011) has of the view that sports acts as a base for peace development and struggles to minimize the battle fields. It aims to develop optimistic relationship among the public and military for helping the disturbed societies. The flag of Olympic games flown in 1920 Antwerp for the first time contains five circles and has six color means that athlete from the five continents can participate openly. The aim of the Olympic is only the nourishment of peace and gathered participation.The Olympic were started by the founder only for having peace and for removing the conflicts. As IOC president Jacques Rogge said: wars have wasted, demoted and depressed very much people of the world, the affluent and nonviolent communities can only be re-established through playing sports. The IOC deals with UNCHER for the promotion of communal change like in Guinea, Kenya, Kosovo, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania IOC provides sports gears, clothing, food along coaches and physicians in the migrant camps.

    Sport has a power of assembling people on breaking all the societal differences, spiritual and racial limitations in the way of peace development. The idea of peace development through sports is stimulated in many counties of the orb(Harris, 1995). Sports like Football has goal aimed at the development of peace which authorizes the young people for a change in practical lives in culture inside communities on practice of play. The sports have brought people of Sierra Leona during the wars for bringing the people in to the harmonious life again (Harris & Jones, 1982).

    Sports strategies are framed without gender differences and remain open to all worldwide. Some media present the women sports and family contexts (Hargreaves, 1994).The study of Cahn, (1994) negates the view that women should deal the domestic works, sexuality desires, male defined virtues and female should not participate. The author answers this faith by “Caster Senmeya story” that was a stout and influential women with masculine qualities and gender unexpected body. The female athletic participation has positive psychological, sociological and physical advantages without loss of feminine values in community.  

    Sports create awareness and acts as a catalyst to gather the citizens of all sexes in order to boost the national unity. The free access is rendered towards sports arenas are for promotion of discipline in the country. Sports offer opportunities to remove the gender inequalities from the community (Giulianotti, 1999). The study of Giulianotti and Armstrong, (2011) revealed that in many regions of the world female participation in sports remains low, although the state offers equal opportunities for both male and female. The country should facilitate organizations which promote the participation of girls and female in sports to obstinate the gender differences in society. The more sports participation possesses the populace vigorous and encourages the sporting professions of young male and females. Sports play also minimizes the populace reduction by offering venues of recreations.   

    The study of Gelman and Gibelman, (1999) suggested sports struggles to assemble those people who have been affected by conflicts. He further added that sports offers initiatives and ways towards the better health opportunities, both metaphoric and practical to facilitate the youth character. Sports participation increases ratio of education, sociality, institutionalization, peace promotion and resolves conflicts from any society. A sport has the capacity to offers the opportunities for the cooperation, rebuilding relationship and subside the violence. The study of Department of Culture Media and Sport. (2000) has of the view that sports affiliates the communities, challenges the oppressions and encourages ethical citizenship. A sport improves social consciousness, sense of responsibility, citizenship, collaboration, interdependence and renewed commitments to the notion of democracy and removes the social conflicts.

    Sports arenas spontaneously make societal investment, communal inclusion, social combinations and collective unity. History has shown that sports distinguish the masculinity, social class, race, background, nationality and sexual harassment inside any community. All the tensions, depressions, conflicts and hostilities of hostile groups prevailed in bigger societies, can be dealt by sports in better way rather than bridged (Davidman&Davidman, 1997). The study of Davies, (2002) found that sports have the ability to explore social relationship and social inclusions and deal the social problems, resolves the conflicts and hostilities. 

    The research of Collen, (2008) has suggested that sports participation is the best source of time passing for some people, although sports provides important social meanings to the participants and differences of racism, social exclusion are removed in a best way. The author added further that sports cannot be separated from other cultural activities, because here the inspirations and contributions are made, social problems like hurtful conflicts, fights, avenges by sword and some other social problems are also removed. A sport has power to address all these complex and coinciding difficulties and defends the people and participants from perceptions of hooliganism perceptions (Sherry, 2010). 

    Questions of the Study

    Do sports teach collective livings in community?

    Do sports negate differences of race?

    Methodology of the Study

    The study inspects sports performance as a tool of living together inside any community despite of variation in their sects, castes, cultures, religion and races. A survey method was adopted and 554 stakeholders were randomly selected from 5 segments of community comprised of academic institution heads, teaching staff of the academic institutions, Businessmen, players and politicians using stratified sample technique. The data was collected through closed form of questionnaire with 5 point likert scale ranging from strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Simple percentage was used to analyze the collected data. SPSS Version 19 was used for the tabulation of the data. 


    The below table depicts the idea that among the total respondents 66.2% responded as strongly agree, 31% in agree, 1.3% undecided the statement while only 1.4% of the stakeholdersresponded as Disagree.

    Table 1. Sports plays vital role in multicultural approach.




    Valid Percent

    Cumulative Percent


    Strongly Agree


























    Below table reveals the idea the in total respondents comprising of 554 stakeholders 56.9% responded the statement that sports ignores the disparities of races as strongly agree, 41.7 as agree with 1.4% in undecided only.

    Table 2. Philosophy of sports ignores racial diversities within a society.




    Valid Percent

    Cumulative Percent


    Strongly Agree





















    The above table shows that 56.9 % of the respondent were Strongly Agree about the statement, 41.7% of the respondent were agreed about Philosophy of sports ignores racial diversities within a society while 1.4% Undecided about same statement. The same table indicate that sports play an important role in the ignorance of  racial diversities within a society


    The above image of International Olympic Committee (IOC) which has five circles and colors also clarifies that a person (Athlete) from every continent of the world can take part in sports for expanding Multiculturalism despite of Racism. It also admits teachings Islam as Universal religion that there is no difference in human beings or to a person of one nation over other but all is equal by nature and will live collectively. The study also found that sports have competency to develop the notion of multiculturalism because during play and a team consists of people of different ethnicities, cultural and social backgrounds. They only struggle for the collective aim which may be enjoyment, recreation at indigenous level and at bigger level in shape of reward. Pattnaik (2003) stated that due to societal taxonomies it is impossible to gather the people for the exploration of multicultural approach scope and education, but sports have the talent to gather them and to mingle the scope of multicultural approach simultaneously. In the last decade of previous century, struggles against racism and for racial equalities were charged potentially through sports. 


    The present study concentrated upon the Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism. the study reveals the idea the in total respondents comprising of 554 stakeholders 56.9% responded the statement that sports ignores the disparities of races as strongly agree, 41.7 as agree with 1.4% in undecided only, While the empirical study found that 56.9 % of the respondent were Strongly Agree about the statement, 41.7% of the respondent were agreed about Philosophy of sports ignores racial diversities within a society while 1.4% Undecided about same statement. The researcher found that sports play an important role in the ignorance of racial diversities within a society. Attitude and aptitude were the limitation of the study; similarly financial recourses and shortage of time were also the study limitation. It was recommended that the government may locate general, recreational and communal program at community level. Curriculum at primary and middle level should be consisted of social norms and redaction at least at provincial level.   


  • Banks, J.A. (1997) Educating citizens in a multicultural society. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Banks, J.A. (1999). An introduction to multicultural education. Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
  • Coakley, J., & Donnelly, P. (2009). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies. Toronto: McGraw Hill Ryerson Higher Education.
  • Collen, A.L. (2008). Playing Sport, Playing Citizens: The Socialization of Adolescents through Organized Youth Sport in France and America, A thesis submitted to the faculty of Wesleyan University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
  • Cox, Taylor H., Sharon A. Lobel, and Poppy Lauretta McLeod. (1991).
  • Davidman, L. &Davidman, P. (1997). Teaching with a multicultural perspective: A practical guide (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
  • Davies, R. (2002). ‘Sport, Citizenship and Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Sports Sponsors', World Sports Forum, Lausanne, 23 September 2002.
  • Department of Culture Media and Sport. (2000). The Government's Plan for Sport. London: HMSO.
  • Eichler, Christian.
  • Eldridge, W.D. (1983). The importance of psychotherapy for athletic related orthopedic injuries among adults. Int J Sport Psychol, 14:203-21 1.
  • Evers, C. (2010). Intimacy, sport and young refugee men, emotion, space and society
  • Gelman, S.R. &Gibelman, M. (1999). A quest for citations? An analysis of and commentary on the trend toward multiple authorship. Journal of Social Work Education, 35(2), 203-215.
  • Giulianotti, R. & Armstrong, G. (2011).

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    APA : Muhammad, A., Khan, S. U. D., & luqman, S. (2018). Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I(I), 13-19.
    CHICAGO : Muhammad, Ashiq, Salah Ud Din Khan, and Safdar luqman. 2018. "Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I (I): 13-19 doi: 10.31703/gpessr.2018(I-I).03
    HARVARD : MUHAMMAD, A., KHAN, S. U. D. & LUQMAN, S. 2018. Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I, 13-19.
    MHRA : Muhammad, Ashiq, Salah Ud Din Khan, and Safdar luqman. 2018. "Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I: 13-19
    MLA : Muhammad, Ashiq, Salah Ud Din Khan, and Safdar luqman. "Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I.I (2018): 13-19 Print.
    OXFORD : Muhammad, Ashiq, Khan, Salah Ud Din, and luqman, Safdar (2018), "Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism", Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, I (I), 13-19
    TURABIAN : Muhammad, Ashiq, Salah Ud Din Khan, and Safdar luqman. "Sports Transcend Multiculturalism & Negate Racism." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review I, no. I (2018): 13-19.