Authored by : Faheemullah Khan , Abdurrehman

04 Pages : 21-26


    Professional attitude has a key role in performing any duty. If a person lacks positive professional attitude or has natural attitude towards his/her profession then it creates many problems. So there for positive professional attitude has fruitful results in performing any task. This study was initiated to know the impact of demographic difference, locality and gender upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. Total 125 participants participated in this study which was selected through purposive sampling technique. Consents of 77 male and 48 female were taken for the purpose of gender based difference impact and in which 50 were from rural and 75 were from urban setup. It was for locality wise difference. Data was collected through questionnaire and was analyzed by using SPSS. The concluded results shown that gender differences has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals and similarly locality is also has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. Both groups were found same in locality basis and gender basis. The mean score of both groups were found significantly same.

    Key Words:

    Male and Female, Urban and Rural, Physical Education Professionals, Professional Attitude


    Khan (2008) early models of specialists representing impact at teacher conduct and little validity are given to states of mind". Similarly Martua (2005) stated that, the nature of the learning and teaching communication has a huge connection with the instructors' instructive capabilities, expert mentalities, professional attitudes and qualifications of teachers. Advance the investigation showed that a huge straight connection between expert professional attitudes and teachers' instructive qualification, and an unimportant direct relationship was found there in between showing background and expert demeanors. He additionally expressed that the experiences in teaching and training of instructors' having no immediate impact at the nature of learning and teaching and association, in any case, the two will be more critical on the off chance that they are related with a positive professional attitudes. Shah (2002) stated that positive improvement in professional attitudes advances the educators proficiency as well as aides in making the schools alluring for students and teachers. As indicated by Baumgartner (1995) identity and personality of the teacher in the sense of attitude has a huge impact in instructor conduct and awesome effect of that is on student’s accomplishments. Positive instructors' demeanors make positive activities towards institutional objectives (Duke & Henninger, 2002). As states of mind, crumble, then it is needed to do commitment, steadfastness, and above all execution. Ward (2013) expresses that without more profound concerning of content teachers won't have the capacity to show well results in physical education. Shape America (2014) illuminates us that teachers in physical education are currently beginning to be considered responsible student understanding and the responsibility of this frame in the United States is for the most part hang on the National standards. Ennis (2011) contends that physical teachers, concern the physical activity as well as the knowledge, advancement, and parts of positive physical self-esteem that encourage solid dynamic way of life. Late research additionally demonstrated that teachers concentrate around social and enthusiastic aptitudes in physical education (Casey & Dyson, 2012).


    Attitude measurement is a complex process because it is related with human behaviors, which is difficult to observe and transmit into quantitative terms. The educators and researchers have tried to assess human attitudes through different techniques. Leslie Kish (1982) expressed around an American instructor and psychologist Rensis Likert that in (1932) he built up a scale named as Likert Scale for the work of his PhD thesis. This review scale (Likert Scale) as a method for estimating states of mind, demonstrating that it caught more data than contending techniques and the 1-5 Likert Scale would in the end turn into Likert's best-known work. Accordingly, the Likert compose scale will be utilized for this research work. 

    Concept and explanation

    Preparing itself in term of skill is a key to efficiency. However, preparing itself in term of skill is a procedure to gain something that looks to realize lasting enhancement in the capacity and conduct of workers by empowering them to adopt unique abilities, information, mentality and conduct. It preparing in term of strength and opportunities is a methodical procedure of adjusting the conduct as well as state of mind of representatives toward a path to accomplish authoritative objectives.

    Key purposes of training are; - Getting something knowledgeable as well as tactic able in order to do something in an organized manner/systematic manner, getting something knowledgeable as well as tactic able in order to enhance or for upward level and train to create have turned into the popular expressions of the present-day corporate. Generally, skill wise itself preparation eludes to an arranged exertion by an association to encourage representatives in obtaining expertise, state of mind and conduct that are basic for effective execution at work. Each association needs all around prepared labor to perform different activities. Training or skill wise learning of itself is fundamental regardless of whether the representatives profoundly meet the activity requests. This is because of always showing signs of change plans of action and mechanical headways which require ownership of various ranges of abilities by the representatives. In addition, occupations are winding up progressively perplexing. Preparing itself skill wise helps workers enhancing the inclination on the present place of employment or sets them up for a proposed activity. Advancement covers those exercises which enhance work execution as well as those which achieve development of the identity. Improvement is planned to prepare the people to acquire advancement and hold more noteworthy duty. Skill wise and knowledge wise preparation itself and improvement are firmly identified with one another, preparation a man for greater and higher occupation is advancement. This may well incorporate granting particular aptitudes and learning as well as teaching certain identity and mental states of mind.

    Theme of training incorporates refreshing learning, ability and mentality tuned in to the changing necessities of the association. As needs be the preparation procedure guarantees the enhancement in the member's conduct and hierarchical adequacy. Mirza & Saiyadain (1988) named training or preparing itself skill wise as "a movement went for enhancing the execution of the current staff to meet the future needs of the association. He sees the proactive idea of the preparation and accentuates the genuinely necessary planned capacity of the prepared action in influencing the staff to widen their vision from the quick setting. It readies the representatives to chalk out and work for a superior future. Beach & Dale (1991) stated that "preparing itself skill wise is the organized out technique by which persons learn knowledge or expertise or state of mind for a positive purpose". This definition stresses require based nature of the preparation ascertained to serve a distinct target. Monappaarun et al. (1991) alludes to the encouraging exercises carried on for the main role of helping individuals from an association to gain and supply the learning, aptitudes, capacities and states of mind required by that association.

    The itself skill wise preparation normally called training and Improvement or to become more mature or advanced normally called development are function in an association has picked up a considerable measure of significance because of progression in innovation and changes in market compel. The requirement for preparing and improvement can be underlined in different work circumstances, for example, in saddling aptitudes for existing occupations, arranging out one's future activity profile, raising representative's execution etc.

    The itself skill wise preparation makes an essential commitment to the advancement of the association's human asset and consequently to the accomplishment of its points and goals. To accomplish its motivation, itself skill wise preparation should be successfully overseen with the goal that the correct preparing is given to the opportune individuals, in the correct frame, at the perfect time and the correct expenses. The term 'preparing' shows the procedure engaged with enhancing the aptitudes, abilities and capacities of the representatives to perform particular occupations. Preparing helps in refreshing old abilities and growing new ones. Preparing likewise offers them a probability to stay up to date with the most recent advancements in the fields of innovation and administration. This causes them to react successfully to rivalry. With the end goal to develop a solid, proficient, successful, inspired and committed administrative unit, proceeding with administration preparing is required. Preparing is a fundamental piece of human asset administration.

    The adequacy of business exercises requests that the administrators ought to have assorted aptitudes and execution administration capacities. This can be expert just through preparing endeavors. In this way, preparing and improvement exercises can assume a key job in the advancement of people for authoritative development (Manpower Services Commission (MSC), U.K., 1981). “Preparing tries to give information, abilities and mentalities important to perform work related undertakings. It intends to enhance work execution straightforwardly” (Truelove, 1992). Sloman, (2005) Preparing is portrayed as an educator driven, content-based mediation prompting wanted changes in behaviors.

    Assessments contrast with respect to whether a 'progressions of state of mind' ought to be incorporated into the meaning of preparing. Wills (1994) contends against such a definition, both on the grounds that states of mind are famously hard to evaluate, and on the grounds that preparation alone, he contends, is inadequate to realize major long haul changes in mentality. Rather, he characterizes preparing as 'the exchange of characterized and quantifiable information or abilities. Same case is discussed by McLeod & King (1996) express that preparation is 'any movement or course, either formal or casual (e.g. at work) which has helped you to get the learning and aptitudes to carry out your activity. Hughey & Mussnug (1997) stated that in a perfect world, preparing is best enhanced with commonsense, hands-on understanding. As per Overman (1994) analyze what individuals hear they overlook, what they see they recollect, what they do they get it. Similarly, Hughey & Mussnug (1997) noted that most representatives just don't learn extremely well when they are 'conversed with'. They should be all the more effectively engaged with the learning background.

    Professional Development

    Proficient advancement alludes to an assortment of instructive encounters identified with a person's work and is intended to enhance practice and results (Dear Hammond and McLaughlin, 2011). These open doors might be willful or obligatory, individual or community, and formal or casual (Desimone, 2011). Nabhania and Bahous (2014) dis-tinguish a few implanted models of expert advancement that have been appeared to improve showing rehearses: activity examine/request, organizing, training systems, and self-observing/self-reflection. Inspecting these systems and their conceivable effect on instructor improvement and change are a beneficial chairman try as these increasingly contemporary cycles of expert advancement are viewed as an incredible component for educator development and advancement.

    Attitudes Toward Profession, Physical Education and Sport, Pre-Service Teacher

    Kagan (1992) stated as expressed in the writing, the adequacy of the instructing calling is reliant on three vital variables (i) calling decisions of pre-administration educators, (ii) nature of instructor preparing, and (iii) educators' close to home convictions towards the showing calling (?i?man, 1999). Tsangaridou (2006) analyzed that the conviction system is expanded from various parts that impact the idea of guidance, as it is significantly impenetrable to change. In any case, thinks about have clarified how conviction arrangement of instructors have been framed. Pajares 1(992) stated that writing has hypothetically exhibited that the conviction arrangement of instructors is framed in three successive periods; (i) amid their encounters in school, (ii) from life encounters, (iii) amid their expert educator training program in college. Kullinna, Brusseau, Ferry & Cothran (2010) accentuated the conviction arrangement of educators as "When convictions capacity to settle on a choice or call for activity, they become significant and a gathering of convictions bunched around a circumstance or article turns into a disposition that is inclined to activity". Frames of mind can be characterized as person's psychological, passionate, and conduct types of anticipated that conduct should an ecological item, social issue or experience.

    Physical Education Teachers’ Professionalization

    Kougioumtzis (2006) stated that it very well may be contended that physical instruction (PE) can establish the frameworks of students' physical wellbeing and long lasting dynamic way of life. Quality PE should give understudies the chance to physical advancement and development just as an appropriate milieu for individual and social improvement. The meaning of value instructive arrangement and the arrangement of school exercises can be viewed as a composite of country explicit recorded, political, sociological and conservative improvements. Nonetheless, it appears that PE educators have a focal job acknowledging curricular objectives, changing games science and educational information into work on, considering the advancements of the game development and consulting with nearby specialists, for example, guardians. In a pioneer examine in the UK, Hendry (1975) depicted PE educators' negligible job, guaranteeing a diffused proficient character and a flawed subject status. ''Non-examinable subjects include low status inside the instructive pecking order, principally one would infer in light of the fact that they are fringe to the focal instrumental working of the school'' Amid late years, portrayals of PE and PE educators have been liable to a huge measure of research, joined by a developing enthusiasm for assessing advancements. In any case, endeavors to audit look into on in-administration PE instructors and their working conditions are somewhat uncommon.

    Objectives of the study

    1. To analyze the difference between male physical education professionals and female physical education professionals with reference to professional attitude.

    2. To analyze the difference between urban physical education professionals and rural physical education professionals with reference to professional attitude.  

    Hypotheses of the Study

         H01: Gender has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals.

         H02: Locality has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals.

    Method and Material

    Sample for this study was selected by purposive sampling technique. Total 125 respondents participated in this study and further divided in two groups on the basis of locality and gender. First the whole sample was divided into two groups on the basis of gender in which 77 were male and 48 were female. On the second step the same group was divided on the basis of locality in which 50 were from rural and 75 were from urban. A Likert type scale of professional attitude was developed using the available research material and scales already used in the field of professional attitudes. It helped and provided guidance, containing five options i.e. Very Much Unaware, Much Unaware, Neutral; Much Aware & Very Much Aware. Expert’s opinion was also taken during the construction of scale. The researcher used face validity as shown by (8/10) agreement between nine experts in the field of physical education and sports sciences. Although Cronbach Alpha was applied to determine the internal consistency of each items. The questionnaire's reliability coefficient was found to be extremely satisfactory (.86). Collected data was managed and used for statistical analysis.  

    Table 1. Showing Demographics and descriptive Information of Respondents






















    The above table and chart shows Gender-wise and locality-wise distribution of the respondents and thus 77 (61.6.9%) were male and 48 (38.4%) were female. Consequently 50 (40.0%) respondents were those who belong to rural areas and 75 (460.1%) were those who belong to urban areas.

    Test of Hypothesis

    H01: Gender has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals.

    Table 1. Independent Sample t-test Showing Gender-Wise Difference

    Testing variables








    Professional Attitudes













    The above data shows that gender difference has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. According to the analyzed data, the Mean and Standard Deviation were in detail as 3.3096±.33320 and 3.2668±.36142 respectively, the calculated t (123) value is -1.869 and ‘p’ value is 0.862 (0.862 > 0.05). Therefore, it is significant at alpha value 0.05 level and the above hypothesis is hereby accepted.


    H02:      Locality has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals.

    Table 2. Independent Sample T-Test Showing Locality-Wise Difference

    Testing variables








    Professional Attitudes













    The independent sample t-test results shows that lovability difference has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. The Mean and Standard Deviation were recorded as rural 3.1686±.35302 and urban 3.0680±.35302 respectively for post-tests, the calculated t (123) value is -1.910 and ‘alpha’ value is 0.097 (0.097 > 0.05). Therefore hypothesis is hereby rejected.


    Result of the study indicates that both hypotheses were accepted. It means that gender difference has no impact upon professional attitude. Either someone is male by gender or female if he or she is committed to his job then sex is not a hurdle. The mean score of both male and female was found significant similar to each other. It further shows it statistically that gender differences have no impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. Similarly it was also tested that locality difference may have effect upon professional attitude but the mean score of both physical education professionals from urban and physical education professionals from rural setup but the mean score indicated that both were same. So it was yielded that locality has no impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals.  


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    APA : Khan, F., & Abdurrehman. (2020). Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III(I), 21-26.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. 2020. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III (I): 21-26 doi: 10.31703/gpessr.2020(III-I).04
    HARVARD : KHAN, F. & ABDURREHMAN. 2020. Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III, 21-26.
    MHRA : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. 2020. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III: 21-26
    MLA : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III.I (2020): 21-26 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Faheemullah and Abdurrehman, (2020), "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals", Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III (I), 21-26
    TURABIAN : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review III, no. I (2020): 21-26.