Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals
Professional attitude has a key role in performing any duty. If a person lacks positive professional attitude or has natural attitude towards his/her profession then it creates many problems. So there for positive professional attitude has fruitful results in performing any task. This study was initiated to know the impact of demographic difference, locality and gender upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. Total 125 participants participated in this study which was selected through purposive sampling technique. Consents of 77 male and 48 female were taken for the purpose of gender based difference impact and in which 50 were from rural and 75 were from urban setup. It was for locality wise difference. Data was collected through questionnaire and was analyzed by using SPSS. The concluded results shown that gender differences has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals and similarly locality is also has no significant impact upon professional attitude of physical education professionals. Both groups were found same in locality basis and gender basis. The mean score of both groups were found significantly same.
Male and Female, Urban and Rural, Physical Education Professionals, Professional Attitude
(1) Faheemullah Khan
PhD Scholar, Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Abdurrehman
MPhil Scholar, Gomal University Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Khan, F., & Abdurrehman. (2020). Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III(I), 21-26.
CHICAGO : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. 2020. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III (I): 21-26 doi: 10.31703/gpessr.2020(III-I).04
HARVARD : KHAN, F. & ABDURREHMAN. 2020. Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III, 21-26.
MHRA : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. 2020. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III: 21-26
MLA : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III.I (2020): 21-26 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Faheemullah and Abdurrehman, (2020), "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals", Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, III (I), 21-26
TURABIAN : Khan, Faheemullah, and Abdurrehman. "Impact of Gender and Locality Differences upon Professional Attitude of Physical Education Professionals." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review III, no. I (2020): 21-26.