Authored by : Sardar Nasir Sohail , Mirza Muhammad Sajid Beg , Muhammad Ijaz

03 Pages : 18-25


  • Acevedo, R. J., Rivera-Vega, A., Miranda, G., & Micheo, W. (2014). Anterior cruciate ligament injury: identification of risk factors and prevention strategies. Current sports medicine reports, 13(3), 186-191.
  • Ã…kerlind, G. S. (2012). Variation and commonality in phenomenographic research methods. Higher education research & development, 31(1), 115- 127.
  • Al Hashemi, Ali. (2019). Definition of sports injury.
  • Ali, A., Qambrani, M. R., Akhtar, A., & Ansari, K. (2017). Impact Of Financial Incentives On The Performance Of Field Hockey Teams (Men): A Case Study Of Higher Education Institutions (Heis) Of Pakistan. The Shield-Research Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science., 11.
  • Allen, M. M., Pareek, A., Krych, A. J., Hewett, T. E., Levy, B. A., Stuart, M. J., & Dahm, D. L. (2016). Are female soccer players at an increased risk of second anterior cruciate ligament injury compared with their athletic peers?. The American journal of sports medicine, 44(10), 2492-2498.
  • Anderson, K. D., Spink, K. S., Chad, K. E., Humbert, M. L., & Odnokon, P. A. (2003). Examining the relationship between physical activity levels and involvement in competitive sports in adolescent females. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(5), S342.
  • Anieting, A., & Mosugu, J. (2017). Comparison of quota sampling and snowball sampling. Indian Scholar, 3, 33-36.
  • Bagram, M. M. M., & Khan, S. (2012). Attaining customer loyalty! The role of consumer attitude and consumer behavior. International review of management and business research, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Borg-Stein, J., Zaremski, J. L., & Hanford, M. A. (2009). New concepts in the assessment and treatment of regional musculoskeletal pain and sports injury. PM&R, 1(8), 744-754.
  • Brees, D. (2010). Coming back stronger: Unleashing the hidden power of adversity. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc..
  • Burton, L. J., & Mazerolle, S. M. (2011). Survey instrument validity part I: Principles of survey instrument development and validation in athletic training education research. Athletic Training Education Journal, 6(1), 27-35.
  • Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2013). Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Deitch, J. R., Starkey, C., Walters, S. L., & Moseley, J. B. (2006). Injury risk in professional basketball players: a comparison of Women's National Basketball Association and National Basketball Association athletes. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(7), 1077-1083.
  • Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American journal of theoretical and applied statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
  • Finch, C., Valuri, G., & Ozanne-Smith, J. (1998). Sport and active recreation injuries in Australia: evidence from emergency department presentations. British journal of sports medicine, 32(3), 220-225.
  • Granan, L. P., Forssblad, M., Lind, M., & Engebretsen, L. (2009). The Scandinavian ACL registries 2004– 2007: baseline epidemiology. Acta orthopedic, 80(5), 563-567.
  • Heale, R., & Twycross, A. (2015). Validity and reliability in quantitative studies. Evidence- based nursing, 18(3), 66-67
  • Hewett, T. E., Myer, G. D., Ford, K. R., Heidt Jr, R. S., Colosimo, A. J., McLean, S. G., & Succop, P. (2005). Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: a prospective study. The American journal of sports medicine, 33(4), 492- 501.
  • Kendall, R. (2010). Musculoskeletal problems in stroke survivors. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 17(3), 173-178.
  • Mihata, L. C., Beutler, A. I., & Boden, B. P. (2006). Comparing the incidence of an anterior cruciate ligament injury in collegiate lacrosse, soccer, and basketball players: implications for anteriorcruciate ligament mechanism and prevention. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(6), 899-904.
  • Müller, H., Sedley, A., & Ferrall-Nunge, E. (2014). Survey research in HCI. In Ways of Knowing in HCI (229-266). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Raudsepp, L., Viira, R., & Hannus, A. (2010). Prediction of physical activity intention and behavior in a longitudinal sample of adolescent girls. Perceptual and motor skills, 110(1), 3-18.
  • Register-Mihalik, J. K., Guskiewicz, K. M., McLeod, T. C. V., Linnan, L. A., Mueller, F. O., & Marshall, S. W. (2013). Knowledge, attitude, and concussion-reporting behaviors among high school athletes: a preliminary study. Journal of athletic training, 48(5), 645-653.
  • Rossi, P. H., Wright, J. D., & Anderson, A. B. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of survey research. Academic Press.
  • Shah, S. A., Ansari, M. A., & Jhatial, A. A. (2018). Knee injuries in badminton sport: investigating circumstances of injury and management techniques in sindh province. The spark a hec Recognized Journal, 2(1), 63-71.
  • Silvers-Granelli, H., Mandelbaum, B., Adeniji, O., Insler, S., Bizzini, M., Pohlig, R., ... & Dvorak, J. (2015). Efficacy of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program in the collegiate male soccer player. The American journal of sports medicine, 43(11), 2628-2637.
  • Van Mechelen, W., Hlobil, H., & Kemper, H. C. (1992). Incidence, severity, aetiology and prevention of sports injuries. Sports medicine, 14(2), 82-99.
  • Watson, R. (2015). Quantitative research. Nursing Standard, 29(31).
  • Wojtys, E. M., & Brower, A. M. (2010). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the prepubescent and adolescent athlete: clinical and research considerations. Journal of athletic training, 45(5),
  • Zohrabi, M. (2013). Mixed Method Research: Instruments, Validity, Reliability and Reporting Findings. Theory & practice in language studies, 3(2).
  • Acevedo, R. J., Rivera-Vega, A., Miranda, G., & Micheo, W. (2014). Anterior cruciate ligament injury: identification of risk factors and prevention strategies. Current sports medicine reports, 13(3), 186-191.
  • Ã…kerlind, G. S. (2012). Variation and commonality in phenomenographic research methods. Higher education research & development, 31(1), 115- 127.
  • Al Hashemi, Ali. (2019). Definition of sports injury.
  • Ali, A., Qambrani, M. R., Akhtar, A., & Ansari, K. (2017). Impact Of Financial Incentives On The Performance Of Field Hockey Teams (Men): A Case Study Of Higher Education Institutions (Heis) Of Pakistan. The Shield-Research Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science., 11.
  • Allen, M. M., Pareek, A., Krych, A. J., Hewett, T. E., Levy, B. A., Stuart, M. J., & Dahm, D. L. (2016). Are female soccer players at an increased risk of second anterior cruciate ligament injury compared with their athletic peers?. The American journal of sports medicine, 44(10), 2492-2498.
  • Anderson, K. D., Spink, K. S., Chad, K. E., Humbert, M. L., & Odnokon, P. A. (2003). Examining the relationship between physical activity levels and involvement in competitive sports in adolescent females. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(5), S342.
  • Anieting, A., & Mosugu, J. (2017). Comparison of quota sampling and snowball sampling. Indian Scholar, 3, 33-36.
  • Bagram, M. M. M., & Khan, S. (2012). Attaining customer loyalty! The role of consumer attitude and consumer behavior. International review of management and business research, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Borg-Stein, J., Zaremski, J. L., & Hanford, M. A. (2009). New concepts in the assessment and treatment of regional musculoskeletal pain and sports injury. PM&R, 1(8), 744-754.
  • Brees, D. (2010). Coming back stronger: Unleashing the hidden power of adversity. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc..
  • Burton, L. J., & Mazerolle, S. M. (2011). Survey instrument validity part I: Principles of survey instrument development and validation in athletic training education research. Athletic Training Education Journal, 6(1), 27-35.
  • Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2013). Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Deitch, J. R., Starkey, C., Walters, S. L., & Moseley, J. B. (2006). Injury risk in professional basketball players: a comparison of Women's National Basketball Association and National Basketball Association athletes. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(7), 1077-1083.
  • Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American journal of theoretical and applied statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
  • Finch, C., Valuri, G., & Ozanne-Smith, J. (1998). Sport and active recreation injuries in Australia: evidence from emergency department presentations. British journal of sports medicine, 32(3), 220-225.
  • Granan, L. P., Forssblad, M., Lind, M., & Engebretsen, L. (2009). The Scandinavian ACL registries 2004– 2007: baseline epidemiology. Acta orthopedic, 80(5), 563-567.
  • Heale, R., & Twycross, A. (2015). Validity and reliability in quantitative studies. Evidence- based nursing, 18(3), 66-67
  • Hewett, T. E., Myer, G. D., Ford, K. R., Heidt Jr, R. S., Colosimo, A. J., McLean, S. G., & Succop, P. (2005). Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: a prospective study. The American journal of sports medicine, 33(4), 492- 501.
  • Kendall, R. (2010). Musculoskeletal problems in stroke survivors. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 17(3), 173-178.
  • Mihata, L. C., Beutler, A. I., & Boden, B. P. (2006). Comparing the incidence of an anterior cruciate ligament injury in collegiate lacrosse, soccer, and basketball players: implications for anteriorcruciate ligament mechanism and prevention. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(6), 899-904.
  • Müller, H., Sedley, A., & Ferrall-Nunge, E. (2014). Survey research in HCI. In Ways of Knowing in HCI (229-266). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Raudsepp, L., Viira, R., & Hannus, A. (2010). Prediction of physical activity intention and behavior in a longitudinal sample of adolescent girls. Perceptual and motor skills, 110(1), 3-18.
  • Register-Mihalik, J. K., Guskiewicz, K. M., McLeod, T. C. V., Linnan, L. A., Mueller, F. O., & Marshall, S. W. (2013). Knowledge, attitude, and concussion-reporting behaviors among high school athletes: a preliminary study. Journal of athletic training, 48(5), 645-653.
  • Rossi, P. H., Wright, J. D., & Anderson, A. B. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of survey research. Academic Press.
  • Shah, S. A., Ansari, M. A., & Jhatial, A. A. (2018). Knee injuries in badminton sport: investigating circumstances of injury and management techniques in sindh province. The spark a hec Recognized Journal, 2(1), 63-71.
  • Silvers-Granelli, H., Mandelbaum, B., Adeniji, O., Insler, S., Bizzini, M., Pohlig, R., ... & Dvorak, J. (2015). Efficacy of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program in the collegiate male soccer player. The American journal of sports medicine, 43(11), 2628-2637.
  • Van Mechelen, W., Hlobil, H., & Kemper, H. C. (1992). Incidence, severity, aetiology and prevention of sports injuries. Sports medicine, 14(2), 82-99.
  • Watson, R. (2015). Quantitative research. Nursing Standard, 29(31).
  • Wojtys, E. M., & Brower, A. M. (2010). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the prepubescent and adolescent athlete: clinical and research considerations. Journal of athletic training, 45(5),
  • Zohrabi, M. (2013). Mixed Method Research: Instruments, Validity, Reliability and Reporting Findings. Theory & practice in language studies, 3(2).

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    APA : Sohail, S. N., Beg, M. M. S., & Ijaz, M. (2022). Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V(I), 18-25.
    CHICAGO : Sohail, Sardar Nasir, Mirza Muhammad Sajid Beg, and Muhammad Ijaz. 2022. "Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V (I): 18-25 doi: 10.31703/gpessr.2022(V-I).03
    HARVARD : SOHAIL, S. N., BEG, M. M. S. & IJAZ, M. 2022. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior. Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V, 18-25.
    MHRA : Sohail, Sardar Nasir, Mirza Muhammad Sajid Beg, and Muhammad Ijaz. 2022. "Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V: 18-25
    MLA : Sohail, Sardar Nasir, Mirza Muhammad Sajid Beg, and Muhammad Ijaz. "Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V.I (2022): 18-25 Print.
    OXFORD : Sohail, Sardar Nasir, Beg, Mirza Muhammad Sajid, and Ijaz, Muhammad (2022), "Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior", Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review, V (I), 18-25
    TURABIAN : Sohail, Sardar Nasir, Mirza Muhammad Sajid Beg, and Muhammad Ijaz. "Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in Sports: Focusing Elite Athletes Knowledge, Attitude, and Reporting Behavior." Global Physical Education and Sports Sciences Review V, no. I (2022): 18-25.